The cyclamen technique of changing basins and management techniques after changing pots

1. Change basin time

The first time to change the basin between the Qingming to Gu Yu, then the cyclamen has grown about 10 leaves, this time the outdoor temperature of 18 °C -25 °C (in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, for example), a large temperature difference between day and night. After changing basins, the nutrient supply area in the matrix can be increased in time to provide the necessary conditions for the first vigorous growth period of Cyclamen.

The second change of basin time is from the beginning of autumn to before the frost, which is the last change of basin. Changing the basin at this time not only increases the nutrient supply area in the matrix in time, but also increases the water storage capacity for each watering, providing sufficient water and fertilizer resources for the fast growing plants.

2. Selection of flower pots

In order to create a good growing environment for the cyclamen, it is best to use a well-breathed mud pot. In recent years, black plastic nutrition bowls have been favored for their many advantages such as low price, easy to transport, small size, etc., but their permeability is slightly lower than that of plain clay pots. Polyethylene plastic pots sold on the market have higher requirements for the matrix, and if the self-formulated matrix is ​​not sufficiently secure, it is best not to use it.

The newly-purchased mud pots need to be soaked in clean water for 30 minutes before they can be used. This is because the new pots have large and large pores. After watering, the moisture in the matrix is ​​quickly absorbed by the pot walls, resulting in insufficient water supply to the plants. Used old mud pots must be soaked with 1/5000 potassium permanganate solution or about 1000 times the broad-spectrum fungicide solution for 30 minutes while removing the mud, moss and other attachments inside and outside the pot. The first change basin should choose a flowerpot with a diameter of 13-16 cm, and the second should choose a flowerpot with a diameter of 18-22 cm.

3. Preparation of matrix

The matrix formula used when changing the basin should be basically the same as the transplanting substrate, so that the original matrix can be better combined with the new matrix and the plant root system can adapt to the new matrix environment as soon as possible. The difference is that the proportion of manure should be increased in the original formula. The proportion of manure in the matrix used for the first pot change is 3/10. The last time the pot is changed to increase the proportion of manure to 4/10, it should also be in the matrix. The appropriate amount of granular phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizers are added to ensure that the finished plants have a fixed source of nutrients in physiological processes such as pregnancy bud, flowering and fruiting in the reproductive growth stage.

4. Change basin method

The work of changing the basin should be carried out under a sunshade netting environment. Before changing basins, fill the basin with 2 cm thick furnace ash or coarse sand as the drainage layer, and then fill in a little matrix from the original cultivation container. Gently withdraw the plant with a plant in the middle of the pot and fill the pot with the substrate and compact it. Note that 1/3 of the bulb of the plant is exposed out of the matrix and the substrate is 2 cm below the pot.

After changing the basin, the substrate should be irrigated with water, and the moisture should be paid attention to during the seedling sowing, and the wounds that break the petiole should be sterilized in time. The usual practice is to uniformly spray the plants with 800 times of agricultural streptomycin. About a week later you can enter regular management.

5. After the change basin management

After the first change of pots, the cyclamen is in a vigorous growth period. At this time, nutrient supply should be ensured. Every 7-10 days, 500-800 times of liquid fertilizer should be sprayed on the foliage. After the Ching Ming period, the sunlight is getting stronger. At this time, the plants should be shaded between 10 am and 4 pm. The density of shading nets should be 65%. The temperature and temperature difference between day and night at this stage are very suitable for flower bud differentiation of cyclamen. Some plants will produce some flowers that are lighter and smaller, commonly known as "false flowers." In order to accumulate nutrients, "false flowers" should be removed in time with larger buds. Before the onset of the hot summer season, the plants should be treated with "seedlings", that is, watering should be controlled in accordance with the basic principle of not drying wet. When the substrate is dry to the point where the leaves are about to wilt, they are then irrigated to allow the plants to gradually adapt to a dry environment and to prepare for the physiology of the summer. After awning, the temperature gradually rises. At this time, fertilization should be reduced. If the temperature is too high and the plants enter compulsive dormancy, fertilization should be stopped and good ventilation measures should be taken. At the same time, we must strengthen the prevention and control of pests and diseases during the high temperature season. After the second change of pots, the cyclamen entered the outbreak growth stage. The demand for nutrients was further increased. Every half-monthly application of fully decomposed, thin fertilizers made of bean cake or horseshoe rake (flower farmers call them strong seedlings water). At this time, the plants are in the period of budding, and the demand for phosphorus and potassium fertilizers is higher than usual. Based on the above fertilization, we should spray 2-3 times 300-500 times of potassium dihydrogen phosphate liquid fertilizer on the leaves every month. . To ensure that there is sufficient light during the budding process, the dense leaves must be pulled out in an artificially-assisted manner. If necessary, the excess leaves in the center of the plant must be removed to allow the newly emerged flower buds to fully receive the light. This step will affect the size and brightness of the flowers presented during the flowering period. The winter flowerpots should be placed a certain distance to avoid overlap between the leaves, causing the lack of lighting, resulting in scattered plant shape, leaf blade length, stalk slender. In addition, according to the growth of the plants, the flowerpots should be rotated frequently to obtain a plump and neat plant shape.

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