Papaya lily soup tonic lungs

Soups made with papaya are suitable for drinking all year round, but they are more effective in the springtime. Introduce today the papaya lily soup, with spleen and stomach, tonic lungs and other effects, but also suitable for maternal, regular smoking or dry mouth drinkers.

3 to 4 people practices:

1. Green papaya peeled and seeds, washed and cut;

2. Wash lily, yam, apricot and figs;

3. Wash the slaughtered oysters, remove the large oysters, and scoop up the water.

4. Pour 8 bowls of water into the corrugated boil, add all the ingredients and bring to a boil, boil over a mild fire for one and a half hours and season with salt.

Efficacy: Stomach, Buxu Runfei, moisturizing beauty, Liver Tong milk.


The ancients had the saying “I voted with papaya and reported it to Qiong Yao”. I liked to compare each other's gifts and reciprocal gifts. It is clear that papaya is precious in people’s hearts. Nowadays, through scientific research, it is found that papaya contains various beneficial substances for the human body. It is "the fruit of 100 benefits."

Papaya is very common in the South, people like to eat ripe papaya as fruit, semi-cooked or green are mostly used to soup or make sugar water. Papaya contains papaya reducing sugar, oleanolic acid, vitamin C, papaya acid, various amino acids and minerals. According to analysis, half a medium-sized papaya can provide adult vitamin C needs a day. Oleanolic acid contained in papaya can protect the liver, soften the blood vessel wall, reduce blood fat and anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, which shows the benefits of eating papaya.

In addition, the papaya enzymes contained in papaya can stop vomiting and diarrhea, regulate spleen and stomach, promote digestion, and have a certain therapeutic effect on spleen dampness and stomach-induced dyspepsia. Papaya also has a milk effect that promotes milk secretion. Eat papaya can also make the skin smooth, soft, red, delicate, and its emollient function is favored by the lady.

Here are a few of the papaya therapeutic soups that are ideal for daily consumption:

Spleen, dampness, clearing, throat, papaya, lily, syrup, water

1 ripe papaya, 30 grams of lily, 30 grams of lotus seeds, 20 grams of yam, 3 eggs, 2 ginger, crystal sugar. Papaya peeled and seeded, sliced; Lily, lotus seeds, yam yam washed; shelled eggs after cooking; pour the appropriate amount of water into the corrugated pan, put the lotus seeds and yam oysters for 20 minutes, then the next papaya, lily, ginger, Eggs and sugar can be eaten for 30 minutes.

Contraining Detoxification Help Digestive Papaya Fig Lean Soup

A half-cooked papaya, 250 grams of lean meat, 4 figs, 3 slices of ginger, 20 grams of Jinhua ham. Papaya peeled and seeded, cut into chunks; lean meat dipped in water, rinsed, cut into pieces; washed with figs and ham, sliced ​​ham; pour appropriate water into coriander and boil, add lean meat, figs and ham rolled 30 Minutes, then go under the papaya for an hour and season it with salt.

Conditioning blood secretion milk papaya salted fish head fishtail soup

Half of salted fish head, one tail of squid, one half-cooked papaya, two slices of ginger, and a handful of pepper. Papaya peel and seeds, cut into pieces; squid tail scales washed and dried, rubbed with a little salt; salted fish head washed dry; hot pot put two tablespoons of oil, saute ginger, into the tail and Salty fish head slightly fry, pour a little cooking wine, pour 8 bowls of water, add papaya and pepper, boil for an hour and a half, seasoning with salt.


If the dried lily is replaced with fresh lily, the soup is more sweet.

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