Cotton practical cultivation techniques

1. Seedbed chemical weeding and strong seedling weed seedlings compete with cotton seedlings to fight for space and affect the growth of cotton seedlings. At the same time, due to the high density of seedlings, high temperature and high humidity, cotton seedlings tend to grow into high-line seedlings. Cultivate dwarf seedlings. The application of bedgrass seedlings and strong seedlings to the seedbed can solve these problems. The specific usage is as follows: After planting the cover soil, apply enough water. Each standard bed (13-15m2) is equably sprayed with a bed of grass and shed 2 kg of water, pay attention to the seedbed. Do not water before spraying. This can kill more than 80% of seedbed weeds and reduce sprout height. When the cotyledon flattened through the leaves, a standard 2 kg spray of strong seedlings was used to reduce the height of cotton seedlings, promote rooting and strong seedlings. If the cotton seedlings are in the bed for a long time, they cannot be transplanted in time. If the seedlings can be sprayed once more in 15 days, the effect will be better.

2. Cotton field field chemical weed control technology May, July and July is the season when weeds spread in cotton fields. Field weeding is often affected by the weather and other agricultural activities and cannot be carried out in time. It is prone to grass shortages in cotton fields and affects the growth of cotton. Chemical weeding in cotton fields is a technology that is newly developed and promoted, which can save labor and reduce labor intensity. Affect the cotton yield and achieve the ideal weeding effect. The specific use method is as follows.

a. Closing and weeding: before covering the film (mulching film, double-membrane cotton) or transplanting cotton seedlings (nutrition cotton), plowing and cultivating 150 ml of cable, then sowing or transplanting, can be closed 80 More than % cotton field weeds.

b, kill the grass: When the cotton plant grows to 30cm high, and the lower stem begins to turn brown with 41% of Darda water agent 100-150ml water 30-40 kg for directional spray weeding, if the density of weeds in the cotton field When you can, you can increase the amount of farming up to 200ml, the better. Through weed control, the cotton field does not need manual weeding within 30-40 days, and when the weeds reach a certain density, a manual weeding can be performed in combination with the cultivator. Precautions: Select weather-free and rain-free weather during spraying. Do not splash liquid on the cotton plant.

c. F. wiltedii has certain prevention and control effects on verticillium wilt, and the relative control efficacy reaches an average of 64.1%. The specific usage is as follows: “Fusarium wilt” cotton field, with 100 grams of wilted rickweed water before the onset of cotton 40- 50 kg of leaf spray to prevent the occurrence of "wild wilt disease", and then 500 times the liquid to irrigate the diseased roots, 100 ml per strain.

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