Feeding meat goose in corn fields

Geese are high-value grass-feeding waterfowl. Except for odor-stricken grasses such as Cyperaceae and Polygonaceae, other grasses are basically edible. Such as weeds, bitter leeks, dandelion, etc., vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, Yuan cabbage, as well as agricultural and sideline products. Therefore, the source of feed is wide, and the cost of feed is low. Generally, the consumption of a 3-month-old meat and goose feed can reach 60 kilograms. The feeding of geese is a problem that has not been resolved. At present, geese are mainly based on one-family free-range farming. Rural areas use grazing lands, ditch ridges, slopes, and grazing rearing houses to restrict the development of the geese industry.
The technology of feeding meat and geese in corn fields can solve the current feed problems to a certain extent, open up a new road for the large-scale breeding of meat geese, and at the same time increase the income of farmers by creating a road to wealth.
The bred young houses and geese can be rebuilt or expanded with unused old houses and warehouses, or they can be newly built. In order to reduce the cost of raising geese, construction materials should be taken locally, and simple brooding houses with wooden poles, square structures or mud-and-wood structures should be constructed. The goslings before 3 weeks of age have poor villus, weak physical condition, and poor body temperature regulation. Therefore, the goslings are insulated, dry, ventilated, and free from swindles. There should also be heating equipment such as fire walls and earthworms in the brooding house. The size of the house can accommodate 500 to 600 geese. The ground of the brooding house is paved and compacted with sandy soil or clean clay, which is 20 cm to 30 cm higher than the outside.
Goslings must go to the ground after 3 weeks of age. They must have a simple goose house. They can use the old houses near the corn field, unused plastic greenhouses, etc., and they can repair and renovate the house. Can also be built according to local conditions goose house, goose shed position is high, leeward sunny, open vision, can not plot water, there must be sufficient open front. Wooden poles and squares can be used as the frame, with linoleum, asbestos or plastic sheeting as the ceiling, and the shed height is about 2.5 meters. Surrounded with plastic cloth around, consider the weather at night is relatively cool, in order to keep warm, you can use a double plastic cloth, and the good plastic cloth can be used for 2 years to 3 years. As the saying goes: "The goose is no coincidence, and the food is full and dry," so the shed must be dry and clean.
Corn planting and management In the northern regions, corn is generally planted in early or mid-May. Maize varieties are selected for suitable high-stem varieties, and farmyard manure or ammonium bicarbonate is used as the base fertilizer. Slow-release urea can also be used as the base fertilizer. Considering the spring drought, it can promote buds and sit on water. If there is not much weed in the land in the previous year, in order to facilitate the emergence of weeds, herbicides may not be sprayed after sowing, and after the seedlings are applied after 3 to 4 leaf ages after emergence, no cultivator, top dressing, etc. can be carried out. Field management. Other production management is the same as ordinary Daejeon corn production.
Gosling rearing management in the north, should choose suitable local goose varieties, such as white geese, geese, Rhine geese, etc., usually in mid-May or late brooding, the latest can not exceed the beginning of June, otherwise weeds in corn fields will Unable to control. The grazing period of the goslings should be adapted to the growth of corn, and the feeding and management of the goslings should be adapted to the management conditions of the corn. Cultivating strong goslings is the key to raising geese. However, using goose geese requires higher requirements for goslings.
The goslings are fed with boiled water for the first time. When the goslings are brought back from the hatchery, they are immediately placed in a brooding room that has been prepared to disinfect and have been warmed up and warmed up. After a short rest, the goslings can be given the first. Drinking water. If the water supply is too late, it often appears as if the athlete's foot loses water and contracts, commonly known as “dry claws”. Drinking time is 24 hours to 36 hours after hatching. If you feed first, goslings will always suffer from lack of water and thirst. Once they encounter water, they will immediately rob for water and drink, cause a large amount of water to enter the blood, physiological acid-base balance disorders, prone to water "poisoning", usually the mortality rate Very high. Drinking water stimulates appetite and promotes the discharge of the fetus. You can press the mouth of some goslings into the water several times to let them learn to drink water. Other goslings will imitate drinking water. The depth of the drinking fountain is 3 cm. Drinking water quality is better, requiring cleanliness, warm water can be used, water temperature should be about 20 °C is appropriate.
After eating, they usually eat after drinking water. The food that is eaten is washed and shredded with water and shattered millet or corn, washed and shredded green leaves, young grass and other green feed. When feeding, millet, etc. can be sprinkled on a plastic sheet or mat. Some goslings can be sprinkled on the goslings to induce the goslings to feed. Slowly, the entire group of goslings will feed and then add green feed. Within 10 days of age, generally 6 times to 7 times during the day, each time interval of 3 hours, night should be fed 2 times to 3 times. Feed the goslings 25 to 30 minutes each time. After 3 days to 4 days, you can feed the full-price compound feed or prepare it yourself. Feeding formula for goslings in the north: corn 57%, soybean cake 23%, fine rice bran 6.3%, bone meal 2.1% (or 1.7% calcium hydrogen phosphate), salt 0.4%, stone powder 0.2%, trace element additive 0.2%, multivitamin additives 0.2%, sand 0.3%, methionine 0.1%, oxytetracycline calcium 0.1%. Metabolic energy is 11.71 MJ/kg, and protein is 18%~20%.
Generally raised to 400 grams of goslings can be placed above the corn ground. This time takes 20 days to 23 days. Do not reach the standard of grazing that requires continued feeding of body weight. If the goslings are weighed at the time of grazing, they have a poor feeding habit and poor ability to move. When the grazing animals are grazing in small groups, the food intake is small and the body is thin. Once encountering poor feeding and management conditions, the mortality rate is extremely high. The rearing density depends on the weeds in the corn field. Generally, 200 to 250 geese per gong are raised. The excessive stocking density affects the corn yield, and the geese also do not eat enough. Finally, it is not worth the candle.
The appropriate temperature and humidity for the management of the goslings in the actual production, according to the behavior of the goslings to determine the appropriate temperature of the brooding. If the temperature is suitable, the goslings are distributed evenly, the breathing is calm, and the sleeping is quiet. When the temperature is high, the goslings will open their mouths to breathe, the two wings will open, the hairs will be loose and frequently drink water; if the temperature is too low, they will be crowded with each other, and the sound will be soft and fluffy. Upright, body curled.
The early spring brooding temperature can be higher, the temperature of the healthy brood is slightly lower, and the night temperature is 1°C~2°C higher than the daytime. The suitable temperature for brooding is: 1 day to 5 days 28°C to 27°C, 6 days to 10 days 26°C to 25°C, 11 days to 15 days 24°C to 22°C, 16 days to 21 Age 22°C~20°C. During the first 10 days of brooding, because the goslings drink less water, there is less feces and the house is relatively dry, the goslings are easily dehydrated and “dried claws” are formed. At this time, the animals should be manually humidified and sprinkle water on the ground or water on the stove. Generate steam humidification. The humidity of the brooding house should be 65% to 70% for 1 day to 10 days, and 60% to 65% for 11 days to 21 days.
Reasonable density and ventilation In the production process, the breeding density is too large, the geese crowded, the strong and weak feeding is uneven, the development of the goslings is polarized, and the environment deteriorates and the mortality rate increases. Density is too small, although it is conducive to survival and development, but it is not conducive to thermal insulation, while the utilization of premises is low. The general stocking density is 25 animals per square meter from day 1 to day 5, 25 to 20 per square meter from day 6 to day 10, 20 to 15 from 11 days to 15 days per square meter , 10 to 8 per square meter from 16 days to 21 days of age. Goslings have a high metabolic rate, emit large amounts of carbon dioxide and feces, and produce harmful gases such as moisture and ammonia. If they are not discharged in time, they will affect the healthy development of the goslings and induce diseases.
According to the strong and weak gregarious goslings, the differences between the strengths of the goslings are relatively large. Therefore, during the brooding period, the geese should be bred in groups according to the strength of the geese's constitution and the size of the geese in order to prevent the weak goslings and goslings from being crushed due to the delay in eating and drinking. Crushed, starved to death. For the weak goslings to be carefully reared, some easily absorbed nutrients, such as glucose, multivitamins, and electrolyte solutions, may be appropriately added to the feed to promote its growth. During the brooding period, the entire brooding house should be divided into small rooms with wooden boards, nylon nets, etc., and the number of geese to be raised is 100 to 200. It can prevent crushing and killing goslings when they get together.
Reasonable lighting When cultivating young goslings, lights should be turned on at night to prevent animal and rat damages, and it is beneficial for goslings to feed at night. The light intensity requires a 40 watt bulb per 40 square meters of goose house, and the height of the bulb hanging goose house is about 2 meters above the ground. After 21 days, the lighting time can be gradually reduced at night until lighting stops to keep the geese quiet. Light can not be too strong, if the light is too strong, it can be blocked with red paper, red things have a sedative effect.
To prevent rat damage and stress within 5 days of age, after each feeding, the goslings should be allowed to rest for the rest of the time, except for activities of 10 minutes to 15 minutes indoors. Therefore, the environment in the brooding room should be quiet. Rough operation and loud noises are not allowed to cause alarm. Avoid rats, weasels, etc., biting or killing goslings at night.
Grazing geese and grazing goslings The initial time for grazing goslings can be determined according to the climate and health conditions. Generally, after 3 weeks, the weather is clear and there is no wind to grazing. The first time grazing and watering must be selected for the sunny weather, the geese were rushed to the corn field activities, eating grass, grazing about 1 hour and back to the house. Gradually extend the grazing time and distance. Water can be released by starting grazing. The first time the water can be rushed to the shallow water side of the goslings allowed to launch their free water, must not be forced into the water, or vulnerable to cold.
The breeding and management of Chinese geese Because of the sweltering heat in summer corn fields, we must ensure that the geese play area. This is a key to the successful application of this technology. In general, each geese has a water surface of 2 square meters, with natural ponds and blisters for better use. If not, you can artificially dig a half meter deep reservoir at the end of the ground and surface runoff collection. Can not have shade, the pool lined with plastic cloth to prevent water leakage, and then filled with water. Grazing back, every night to make feed, usually with straw micro-feeds for feeding, each goose feed 200 g ~ 300 g of straw micro-feed 1 time. The middle goose period is generally about 70 days, and the maximum supply of straw micro-feeds is 21 kg, which amounts to 5 yuan to 6 yuan.
The feeding and management of adult geese is carried out from the goslings, which takes about 85 days to 90 days, and can grow into a goose period. This period coincides with the middle and early September. Weed seeds begin to mature one after another, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is relatively large. This is the golden season for goose scratching and fattening. Adopting corn to raise geese can make full use of the autumn grass to fatten the goose and save the feed cost. After the early geese return, they must also feed some energy feeds to accelerate the fattening effect. In supplement feed, corn, broken rice and other fine materials account for more than 50% of the total, while adding 0.3% ~ 0.5% of salt, can also add grass, wheat bran, trace elements additives, calcium, phosphorus, etc. And provide enough water.
Disease prevention disease Goslings in the first phase of drinking water, you can add 5% glucose solution in drinking water + electrolysis multidimensional 227 grams, add water, 150 liters, can be added Cefotaxil sodium, can prevent E. coli, Salmonella, enhance physical fitness and disease resistance force. A gosling plague vaccine was injected within 24 hours after the goose was hatched. The vaccine was diluted 1: 50 to 1: 100 and immunized. Each gosling was injected subcutaneously with 0.1 ml. The primary immunization of goose paramyxovirus was from 7 days to 10 days of age, and was inactivated with goose paramyxovirus oil emulsion at a dose of 0.5 ml subcutaneously in the neck. Without maternal antibodies, the first immunization should be immunized twice at 2 days to 7 days of age and again at 2 months. Bird flu was first exempted from the 7th to the 10th day of the goslings. The polyvalent AI inactivated vaccine was injected subcutaneously in the lower third of the dorsal side of the neck. After 15 days, the vaccine was immunized and the meat goose was injected only once.
Feeding meat geese in corn fields is a combination of corn production and feeding of meat and geese. Because corn provides geese with cheap weeds (feed), and geese can provide corn with high-quality manure, it is a healthy complement. In one fell swoop. The use of corn and geese to reduce investment in capital and manpower, although corn production is about 5% lower than normal, but the income of corn fields is basically not affected, and the benefits of a significant increase in geese can be obtained. The income is 7500 yuan, this income is considerable.

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