The function and effect of Ophiopogon japonicus

Maidong Maidong is the root of the Liliaceae plant Ophiopogon japonicus (Thunb.) Ker-Gawl. Mainly produced in Sichuan, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other places. Excavation in summer, repeated exposure, stacking, to 70% dry, remove the roots, dry, break the raw.

[Medicine] sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold. Return to the stomach, lungs, heart.

[Effect] Yangyin Shengjin, Runfei Qingxin.

1. Stomach yin deficiency syndrome. This product is sweet and soft, sexually bitter and cold, longer than nourishing the stomach and yin, thirst, and clear stomach heat. Widely used in stomach yin deficiency, hot tongue, thirst, stomach cramps, hunger, vomiting, dry stool and other symptoms. Such as treatment of heat and stomach yin, dry mouth, often with the raw land, Polygonatum, sand ginseng and other products. Treatment of thirst, can be used with Tianhua powder, ebony and other products. It is equivalent to Pinellia and ginseng, and it is used to treat qi and vomiting, such as Maimendong Decoction ("Golden Dragonfly"). It is used together with Shengdi and Scrophulariaceae to cure constipation of heat and sorrow, such as Zengye Tang ("Warm Diseases").
2. Lung yin deficiency syndrome. This product is also good for raising lung and yin, clearing lung heat, suitable for yin deficiency, dryness, dryness, dryness, dry cough, hemoptysis, sore throat, etc. often with gelatin, gypsum, mulberry leaves, eucalyptus leaves Use the same product, such as Qingshuo Yangfei Decoction ("Medical Law").
3. Heart yin deficiency syndrome. This product can be returned to the heart, but also to raise the heart yin, clear heart heat, and slightly relieve the role of trouble. Can be used for heart yin deficiency, hot upset, insomnia, dreams, forgetfulness, palpitations and other symptoms. It should be compatible with the products of nourishing Yin and soothe the nerves, such as Tianwang Buxin Dan ("The Secret of the Father"), which is used together with the raw land, Suanzaoren, Baiziren and so on. Heat hurts the heart camp, the gods are less troublesome, should be compatible with Qingxin Liangxue Yangyin, such as Qingying Tang ("Warm Diseases") and it is used with Huanglian, Shengdi, Scrophulariaceae and other products.

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[Usage and dosage] decoction, 6 ~ 12g.
[modern research]
1. Chemical composition: This product contains a variety of steroidal saponins, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, high isoflavones, a variety of amino acids, various types of polysaccharides, vitamin A-like substances, copper, zinc, iron, potassium And other ingredients.
2. Pharmacological effects: intramuscular injection of wheat winter decoction can increase blood sugar in rabbits; normal rabbit oral water and alcohol extracts of Ophiopogon japonicus have hypoglycemic effect; Ophiopogon japonicus can enhance the phagocytic capacity of reticuloendothelial system and increase peripheral White blood cells, improve immune function; can enhance the role of pituitary adrenal cortex system, improve the body's adaptability; can significantly improve the resistance of experimental animals to hypoxia, increase coronary flow, have obvious protective effect on myocardial ischemia, and can resist arrhythmia and improve Myocardial contractility; improved left ventricular function and anti-shock effect; there is also a certain sedative and antibacterial effect.
3. Clinical research: According to reports, Maimendong Decoction (Ophiopogon japonicus, ginseng, Pinellia, licorice, jujube, glutinous rice) is effective in treating deficiency of heat syndrome, blood in the stool, blood in the stool, and snoring patients (Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2000, 5:9). Take ginseng, Schisandra chinensis 6g, red ginseng 3g, Jianshui on behalf of tea, 1 day, 1 month, 1 course, treatment of 36 cases of mild brain function syndrome, 8 cases cured, 12 cases markedly improved, improved 15 Case (Chinese Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1992, 1:32); 76 patients with acute viral myocarditis treated with Shenmai injection, combined with appropriate antiarrhythmic drugs, 54 cases were effective, 14 cases were effective, 8 cases were ineffective (Zhejiang Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1988, 8: 369); This product is also reported for insomnia, pneumonia, chronic pharyngitis, bronchial asthma in children, pulmonary heart disease and other diseases.

【Abstract of Ancient Books】
1. "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic": "The main heart is ventilated... the stomach is collateral, and it is thin and short."
2. "Materia Medica": "Qingxin Runfei medicine. The main heart is not enough, convulsions, forgetfulness, mental loss; or lung heat and lung dryness, coughing bursts, lung and sputum coke, short gas and asthma, fire in the lungs , hemoptysis and hemoptysis; or vain hot, less fluid, or spleen and stomach, dry and difficult.

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