Winter Health Best Fruit Top Fruit Run Lung Health

What kind of fruit is good for winter? Some daily fruits, vegetables, and non-staple foods are also very good for people's health in autumn and winter, especially for the lungs. Choose the following foods alone or eat them with some other foods. Under the influence, your lungs will be healthier.

1. grapefruit

Sweet and cold. Contains naringin, peony, neohesperidin, carotene, vitamin C, B1, B2, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sugar and volatile oil. Function under the gas, fast phlegm, phlegm, cough, benefit lung. Grapefruit is not only rich in nutrients, but also has high medicinal value - phlegm and cough, spleen and lungs. However, since grapefruit is cold, it cannot be consumed excessively. Eating 2 or 3 pieces is just enough.


2. Oranges

Oranges are rich in vitamin B1, which is essential for keeping the nervous system healthy. In addition, the proper amount of oranges can also effectively increase the secretion of saliva, promote digestion, relieve cough, and protect lung health. Experts recommend eating 1-2 oranges a day.

3. Jujube

Jujube is rich in vitamin C, trace elements potassium and magnesium. Vitamin C helps prevent high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis, reducing the risk of cancer; potassium can increase muscle excitability; magnesium can prevent excessive nerve excitability, and has a role in regulating body temperature. Eating dates often has the effect of strengthening the spleen and improving the blood.


Chestnut is rich in trace elements such as potassium and zinc. Chestnut is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins that help prevent high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, and osteoporosis.

5. Lotus root

Into the lungs, heart, spleen. The cooked lotus root is sweet, warm and non-toxic. Eat cooked lotus root can make heart and blood, stomach and spleen, nourish and strong, lotus root Tangli urine, heat lungs. Usually you can use pig lean meat or pork bones and lotus root to add appropriate amount of mung bean soup together.

6. Kumquat

Sweet and sour, warm, non-toxic. Into the lungs, stomach. Sweet and sweet lungs, appetizing healthy food, quench your thirst. Oranges have this effect, but the most beneficial body is the small kumquats sold on the fruit stalls, which should be fully included in their daily fruit list.

7. Honey

Honey ranks third in the food for lungs and coughs. It contains a large amount of natural fructose and many amino acids. It has ideal nourishing, moisturizing and detoxifying effects. It is effective in the treatment of cough in human dry cough. It can be drunk immediately after warming up with warm water.

8. Pear

Sweet and sour pear, sour, cold, into the lungs, stomach; with Sheng Jin, Runzao, heat, phlegm, hangover effect; for fever caused by yin deficiency or dry cough, thirst, constipation, etc. Symptoms can also be used for polydipsia, cough, and jaundice caused by internal heat.

Pear fruit: Sheng Jin, Runzao, heat, phlegm and other effects, apply to fever, thirst, thirst, fever, cough, fever, fever, stun, thirst, aches, red eyes, swelling, indigestion .

Pear peel: pure heart, lungs, reducing fire, fluid, kidney, yin effect. The roots, branches and leaves, flowers have the effect of moistening the lungs, removing heat and detoxifying the body.

9. Lilies

Lily is a kind of bulbous plant that contains a lot of protein and trace elements, and some alkaloids exist. It can be eaten or used as medicine. It has the important effect of moistening lungs, relieving cough, and replenishing qi and replenishing qi. It can usually be used with it. Tremella, lotus seeds and other ingredients are boiled together into soups, and then taken, will make its antitussive effect even better.

10 persimmon

There are lungs and cough, heat fluid, phlegm soft firm effect. Fresh persimmon raw food, there is a good effect on lung sputum cough, virtual heat lung sputum, cough, sputum, hemoptysis embolism. Red soft ripe persimmon, can treat fever, polydipsia, dry lips, rotten heart embolism.

Natural Cocoa Powder

Cocoa Powder:

medium fat cocoa with fat content:10%-12%

high fat cocoa with fat content:20%-25%

Applications: chocolate, chocolate drink , pudding, ice cream, cream, bonbons, biscuits, chocolate candy,etc.

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