Tea tree frost damage prevention and remedial measures after freezing

Every year from March to April is a frequent period of late frost activity. After the early spring temperatures rise, new sprouts of tea plants sprout in succession. If there are abnormal weather conditions such as sudden drop in temperature, night frost, or even small snowfall (cold spring), the damage to tea buds will be seriously affected, which will seriously affect the yield and quality of tea. The loss of spring tea production will be severe and the tea tree will be delayed. The time to germinate again. In the early spring season, local weather forecast should be kept in mind and measures to prevent late spring should be prepared in advance to reduce losses.

First, tea plant antifreeze technical measures

1. Covering the cover: Immediately before the temperature drops to 4°C, cover the tea rind with straw, weeds, or shade nets in the windward slope tea plantation, which is prone to frost damage, and reduce the cooling rate. After the cold wave has passed, the cover will be removed.

2. Soil Irrigation: When the cold wave arrives, soil moisture can increase the humidity of the tea garden, increase the soil heat capacity of the tea garden, reduce the range of soil temperature change, and reduce the damage of freezing damage to the tea tree.

3. Smoke: Before cooling to 4°C, weeds of weeds, weeds, etc. are accumulated in empty areas of the tea plantation. As a smoked stack, smoke is produced and artificial clouds are made to suppress radiation cooling and prevent frost.

4. Harvesting: Before the cold wave arrives, the tea gardens of sprouting leaves have been raided to reduce losses.

Second, the remedial measures after frost damage in the tea garden

(a) spray water wash: frost on the leaves or branches, timely watering the crown, wash away the attached cream. If there is snow on the crown, icing should be cleared in time to prevent the tea tree from being overwhelmed by the thick snow.

(ii) Covering anti-freeze: Lowering the temperature during the snow melting process may increase the frost damage of the tea tree. The canopy can be covered with rice straw and straw curtains to prevent freezing.

(3) Cutting off frozen leaves: After the tea tree is frozen, some leaves lose their vitality. After the temperature rises, the frost is completely released, and after freezing injury is no longer caused, the frozen part is cut off and renewed.

1. Mild frost damage (only leaf blade, leaf edge victim): Not trimmed or lightly trimmed as appropriate.

2. Moderate cold injury (growth branch damage) and severe frost damage (backbone branch damage): pruning when the boundary between the frozen dead part and the healthy part is clear, and it is appropriate to cut 1 to 2 cm deeper than the frozen part.

(4) Strengthen the management of fertilizers and waters: Immediately supplement the available fertilizers after pruning to restore tree vigor and promote bud germination.

1. Fertilization:

1 outside the spray: After the frost lifts the temperature rise and is trimmed, spray 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 1000 times liquid immediately. Plant power 2003. Spray once again for 5 to 10 days.

2 Rhizosphere topdressing: Ditch apply ordinary compound fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium total nutrients 25%) 50 kg/mu or high-concentration compound fertilizer (45% of total nutrients) 30 kg/mu, or apply urea 15 to 20 kg/ mu.

2. Drainage: After the snow melts, there is a tea plantation with water, and the drainage is drained in time.

(5) Keeping more new leaves in spring and summer and restoring the canopy: After the pruned tea tree is trimmed, it should be properly maintained to restore the canopy. Tea trees with less pruning, spring tea is normally harvested in the early stage, and leaf picking is reserved in the later period; for the deep-trimmed tea tree spring tea leaves are left in the late period, and summer tea should also be left as appropriate; however, for tea gardens that are severely pruned by freezing, The spring shoots should be kept and the summer shoots topped to restore the canopy of the tea tree as soon as possible.


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