Food taboos for people who are prone to acne skin

Food taboos for people who are prone to acne skin

1, not eat spicy, hair products

This type of food is hot and dry, and it helps to heat up the internal combustion, which is tantamount to refueling the fire. Meat hot neutral products are very common, such as beef and mutton, dog meat and so on. Pepper, ginger, garlic, and alcohol (alcohol) drinks are more likely to heat up the body and worsen the condition.

2, avoid high-glucose foods

After the human body eats high-sugar foods, it will make the body's metabolism strong, and the secretion of sebaceous glands will increase, so that the acne will appear one after another. Common high-sugar foods such as chocolate, ice cream, coffee, carbonated drinks, etc.

What kind of food should I eat less?

1. Sweets: Especially high-sugar index foods. These foods lead to an increase in male hormones, and male hormones are an important cause of acne formation.

2, dairy products: excessive intake of dairy products will increase acne, milk has an inflammatory effect of the factor, has the role of promoting keratinocyte differentiation.

What foods to eat?

1. Vegetables and fruits: Eat more fruits containing carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body, which helps maintain the normal metabolism of skin keratinocytes. Eat more vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli that have antioxidant effects, which is good for inflammation. repair.

2. Drink more green tea: Tea polyphenols in green tea can reduce the level of oxygen free radicals in the skin and inhibit the effects of androgens on the hair follicles.

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