Seed production and nursery of Magnoliaceae species

Seed collection and storage Seed selection Mothers choose to plant trees that are 25 to 50 years old, have a DBH of 20 to 50 cm, are dry and straight, robust and free of pests and diseases, grow in sparsely populated areas of the forest, or close to the banks of the river. Such a mother tree not only has a large amount of seeds, but also has a good seed quality. It is best to choose in the summer flowering season. Because Magnoliaceae breeding trees are scarce resources, they are often found in natural forests and are easily found at flowering time. According to the amount of flowers, preliminary forecast seed production, master the source conditions. Fruit picking processing fruit ripening period from August to October. According to the mature period of different tree species, the best seed collection period is when the cones change from green to reddish-brown and a few of the cones are slightly cracked to reveal red seeds. Premature picking, because the seeds are not fully ripe and the germination rate is low; picking too late, will be due to the complete cracking of the cones, most of the seeds fall off and reduce the amount of seeds. Picked cones should be treated promptly, avoid stacking and exposure, otherwise they are susceptible to mildew or loss of germination capacity due to sun exposure. During the treatment, the cones are thinly distributed in a cool and ventilated place. After a few days, the cones naturally crack, and they are beaten with wooden sticks and the seeds are released. The seeds have a bright red fleshy aril coat mixed with river sand and seeds, plus grass ash or detergent rubbing can go aril seed coat. Rinse with clean water, remove the pure seeds and dry them in a well-ventilated place. Seed storage and storage Dry seeds and wet sand are mixed or stored in layers in a ratio of 1:3. It is advisable that the moisture content of the sand be controlled by hand but not water. Store in a cool and ventilated place. The sand should not be too thick. It is appropriate for the ground to be stacked with a thickness of 20 to 25 cm. A small amount of seeds can be stored in ventilation containers such as wooden boxes. Every 10 days or so, check the humidity of the sand, turn it properly and add water in time. Add appropriate amount of thiophanate-methyl or carbendazim and other liquids to the wet sand to prevent the seed from becoming rotten. The advantage of layered storage of seeds and wet sand is that the seeds are not susceptible to premature germination during storage, but are inconvenient to flip and are generally used for storage of small amounts of seed containers. Magnoliaceae seeds are rich in aroma and contain high amounts of oil and fat. It is necessary to pay attention to the control of rodents and ants during sand trapping. Seedlings breeding techniques Magnoliaceae seedlings are mainly live seedlings transplanted with two kinds of buds. Due to the large amount of live seedlings used and the undeveloped lateral roots of seedlings and the difficulty of carrying soil balls out of seedlings, it is rarely used in current production. Bud seedling transplanting can save the amount of seed, because seedlings are well-growth, well-developed lateral roots, easy to bring soil ball out of the garden, high survival rate, and are widely used in production. The technical points are as follows. The germination seedbed is set to choose soil, fertile, well ventilated, acidic sandy loam nursery land, fine soil preparation and bed making. The seedbed is 1.2 meters wide and 15 centimeters high. The bed is covered with 5 centimeters thick soil (1, 5, sand 1) of yellow soil and river sand mixed matrix, do not apply or micro-application of superphosphate 50 kg per mu. Can be combined with the bed to join the enemy 500 times for the disinfection of seedbeds. Spread chlorinated nitrobenzene 2 kg per mu or 15 kg of ferrous sulfate and 2.5 kg of trichlorfon pharmacy per acre, to control underground pests such as earthworms and small tigers. Seeding and management of deep winter or early spring sowing. The seeds of the sand are screened out and spread evenly on the seedbed. The seeding rate varies depending on the seed size of different tree species. Seeds of large seeds such as sightseeing trees have a seeding capacity of 250 kg per mu; medium-grain seeds such as Magnolia Magnolia and Magnolia are broadcasted at 220 kg per mu, including Laughing Laughing, Laughing in the Mountains, and 200 kg per mu. Monotone magnolia genus Ledong pseudomonas magnolia, Yunnan parasitism magnolia, etc. sowing 180 kilograms per acre; small-grained seeds such as Manglietia saffron mulberry, Manglietia per acre sowing rate of 100 to 120 kg. After sowing, cover a layer of 1.5 to 2 cm thick yellow earth and sand mixed soil (ratio 5:1), water and cover with straw. The seedbed is covered with a plastic film, and the heat preservation and moisturizing (the winter sowing does not cover the cover film, is easy to be snow pressure, and the flat cover film is better). About 40 days after sowing, the seeds were germinated and excavated. The mulch and rice straw were removed and covered with a bamboo arch mulch. About 50 days after the start of the true leaves, the seedlings in the middle and late March are basically the same, depending on the temperature level can be set up to set up nylon shading net shade. From late March to mid-April, when the shoots grow to two leaves and one core, the bamboo arch mulch is removed. After one week, the sprouts can be transplanted. Transplanting seedbeds are set to choose nursery sites with deep, loose, fertile soil, convenient irrigation and drainage, fine soil preparation, and beds. The seedbeds are 1.2 meters wide and 20 to 25 centimeters high. Each mu of fermented farmyard fertilizer 15 00 to 2000 kg, 40 kg of superphosphate, 40 kg of ammonium bicarbonate is used as a base fertilizer, which is applied when plowing. In combination with a bed, it is necessary to apply chlorinated nitrobenzene to 2 kg per mu or 15 kg of ferrous sulfate and dipterex to 2.5 kg per mu to control underground pests such as earthworms and small tigers. The best time for transplanting the bud seedlings is from late March to late April, and the transplanting of cloudy days or sunny days is preferred. Before transplanting, the seedbed should be irrigated. Take care not to damage the roots, in order to improve the survival rate. Conditional use of 50 mg / l ABT rooting powder solution dip root for 1 hour before transplanting, the better. The seedling density depends on the species. Large seeds generally have a density of 2520 cm, with an average of 13,000 seedlings per acre; medium seed seeds have a general density of 2020 cm and an average of 16,000 seedlings per mu; small seed seeds have a general density of 2018 cm and an average of 18,000 seedlings per mu. Before transplanting, the light must be placed on a 75% shading shade net shed before the transplant. The height of the shed is 2 meters and the width depends on the area of ​​the nursery. The shed is shed in mid-September. Long-distance transport of sprouts is best wrapped with moisturizers, the best out of the nursery buds planted in 3 days, otherwise it will affect the survival rate. After transplanting, the rooting water is poured and sprayed with 70% thiophanate-methyl and mancozeb wettable powder from 600 to 800 times. One week later, it is sprayed one or two times to prevent seedling blight or root rot. . In the next 3 to 5 days, pour water and keep the soil moist for 15 days after planting to ensure the survival rate of buds. After the seedlings are transplanted and survived, topdressing thin fertilizer is applied once every 20 days. During the early period (from April to May), 4 to 5 kg of urea is applied in mus, and 0.3% of water is applied. In the middle and later period (from June to September), the compound fertilizer is applied to mu. 7 to 8 kg, 0.8% water. Lechang with a smile, gold leaf smile, Yunnan pseudo-magnolia magnolia seedlings susceptible to frost damage, in early November 0.15% borax solution once to improve the cold resistance of seedlings. During summer dry season, timely watering should be done, flood irrigation should be good, and it should be done in the evening or at night. If the seedling stems and leaves adhere to the slurry after washing, it should be washed to prevent the seedlings from being blocked due to breathing. Weeding of weeds should be timely and weeding should be based on the principle of “in addition to early, small, and in addition to” weeding herbicides.

Dried Ginger

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