How to grow high-yield virus-free potatoes

First, how to obtain potato virus-free seed potato

First, the toxic potato was germinated in the room, disinfected, and then the shoot apical meristem was cut under the aseptic condition of the clean bench and transplanted in a test tube. After about four months, the shoot apex meristem grew into a test tube. Seedlings and test-tube seedlings were tested for viruses and virus-free virus-free seedlings were identified from a large number of plants. They were then cut and quickly propagated and propagated in greenhouses and net sheds to obtain virus-free microtubers or stocks; The original species can be obtained, and the original species can be further bred into first-class species, second-level species and third-level species. The seed potatoes obtained through the above-mentioned methods are generally collectively referred to as virus-free seed potatoes. Production usually uses the original species or first, second and third species.

Second, the performance and characteristics of virus-free potatoes

1. Take off the main potato virus. Restored the characteristics of the original species, to achieve the purpose of rejuvenation. At the same time, in the course of detoxification, the fungal and bacterial pathogens that it infects are also removed. Therefore, virus-free, bacterial, and fungal diseases are not detoxified in a certain period of time, and their viability is particularly strong.

2. Increased production. Because there are few or all kinds of viruses and diseases, the growth potential of virus-free seed potatoes is very strong. The characteristics and characteristics of the original varieties are fully demonstrated, and the yield increase is very significant. Generally, the yield per mu is 1500-2500 kg and the high yield exceeds 3000 kg. Poisonous potatoes generally increase production by 30-70% or more than conventional potatoes.

3, improve the quality. Potatoes grown from virus-free seed potatoes not only produced larger chunks of potatoes, but also significantly increased their commodity potato yields, which greatly prevented phenomena such as rot, sharpness, cracking, deformity, and scabs, which were easily caused by planting disease-prone seed potatoes. Product quality.

III. Key points of high-yielding cultivation techniques for virus-free seed potatoes

In order to effectively play the role of increasing production and income of virus-free seed potatoes and increase the yield and quality of virus-free seed potatoes, it must be supported by high-yielding cultivation techniques. At present, there are several modes of cultivation techniques: one is no-tillage covering rice straw, the other is semi-no-tillage-covered straw, and the third is high-yield cultivation with ridge cultivation. Each has its own characteristics, and now focuses on the latest cultivation techniques - high-yield cultivation of no-tillage-covered straw. technology.

1, choose a good land

The sandy loam with a deep soil layer should be selected, and the middle and late fertility levels can be used to fill the middle and late rice fields.

2, choose a good variety and level

Vegetable varieties should be selected purple white, Kexin series, Dongnong 303, Golden Delicious, Huishun 23, cooperation 88 and other varieties; export type: Feiwu Rui it (Netherlands, No. 15); processing type: Atlantic. On the Atlantic Ocean or the Netherlands, the seed potato grade is preferably the original seed, followed by the first seed, and other varieties can be selected as secondary or even tertiary because of their stronger resistance to disease.

3, seed processing

A, drying seeds. The seed potatoes that are bought back will be sun-baked for 2-3 days, dried for about 3 hours every day, and often turned.

B, cut buds. Cut the seed potatoes with a knife soaked in disinfectant water. Each piece has 2-3 buds, which are used with cutting to prevent accumulation.

C, disinfection of seed potatoes. Put the cut seed tubers in 0.1% potassium permanganate solution for 5 minutes, remove them and use them for cutting.

D, germination. In order to ensure seedlings and seedlings, seed potatoes should be germinated, and shoot lengths of about 1 cm are preferred. The method is: 7-10 days before sowing, with a concentration of 3-5 mg / liter of "900" soaking seeds for 0.5-1.0 hours, remove and germinate after drying. Indoor and outdoor can be carried out, but should choose a high ground, cool ventilation, no direct sunlight place. After the bud beds have been leveled, first spread 3-4 cm thick wet sand on the ground, then spread the sterilized and cut seed potatoes, then spread the second layer of sand, so that 2-3 layers are laid, and the uppermost layer has a thickness of 4 - 5 cm, then cover with straw, in case of rain, cover the membrane to prevent rain from entering the seedbed. After 6-7 days it will germinate. Then grade the seeds according to their length and length.

4, timely sowing, reasonable close planting

After the middle and late rice harvest, the best suitable sowing time in our district is from mid-October to mid-November. Premature and late will affect potato yield and quality.

When sowing, paddy fields need to dig and open the ditch. Generally, the width is 1.5-1.6 meters, the width of the ditch is 0.2-0.3 meters, and the depth is 0.15-0.2 meters. The mud dug in the trenches is tapped finely and evenly spread on the surface of the raft, making the raft on the raft face, which facilitates the drainage of the ravine. When planting, the seed potatoes will be placed directly on the ravioli surface, the buds will be upwards, slightly pressed, and Add a small amount of fine soil to the seed potatoes to make full contact with the soil.

The planting density of 5000-6000 acres is better. Generally every 4-5 lines. Row spacing 30-40 cm, spacing between 20-25 cm, leave 20 cm around the edge do not sow.

5, covering rice straw basal fertilizer

After sowing, put the compost on the top of the seed potato and cover it with 8-10 cm thick straw. Covering the straw should not be too thick or too thin; over-thickness affects seedlings; too thin light leakage can easily lead to the formation of sweet potatoes and lower quality.

When sowing, one-time application of basal fertilizer is generally not followed by fertilizer. Basal fertilizer is generally 1500-2000 kg of decomposed farmyard manure and three yuan (45%) of compound fertilizer is 50-60 kilograms. Or ternary compound fertilizer 100 kg. Farmyard fertilizers can be used for cover seed use, and compound fertilizers should be placed in the middle of two seed potatoes. In short, they cannot be contacted with seed potatoes.

6, strengthen management, timely harvest

Newly-covered new straw absorbs less water, is easy to dry, and makes the potato seedlings subject to drought. The water can be fed through a suitable amount of water in the trench, and the water layer should be shallow, and it should be drained and drained in time. After the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to do drought protection and seedling maintenance, keep it moist, timely infuse horse water in case of severe drought, and timely drain water in case of heavy rain.

During the growing period, weeding and weeding are not performed, and no fertilizer is applied. If the seedlings are found to be prematurely decayed, they must be applied 1-2 times with 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.5% urea. Timely prevention of pests and diseases. Insect pests: mainly to prevent the underground pests from harming the potato stalks. After planting the ditch, the acres before sowing are mixed with 10% zinc-phosphorus-containing 1 kg of mixed fine soil, and 30 kg can be distributed in the ditch. Some locusts can be controlled by pesticides such as imidacloprid. Diseases: There are mainly late blight and ring rot. After every 7-10 days, the use of metalaxyl-manganese zinc 800 times, fasting net, 1500 times liquid spray, even spray 3-4 times, pay attention to cross-medication. If late blight is found, the central disease strain should be removed promptly, and sprayed with a total of 85% wettable powder 800 times solution or thiophanate-methyl 75 g plus water 75 kg.

Timely harvest, generally yellowish stems and leaves gradually, tubers tend to mature when harvested. Harvest choices Clear the rice in the sunny morning, place the commodity potatoes and other potatoes in separate piles, dry them, and bag them again in the afternoon.

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