Feng Yang

Scientific name: Pterocarya stenoptera C.DC.

English name: China Wingnut

Family name: Juglandaceae

Trees, up to 30 m; old bark black-gray; branchlets grayish yellow lenticels; pith part lamellae; buds bare. Leaves alternate, few or even odd pinnate, 8-16 cm long; leafy winged; leaflets 10-16, oblong, 8-10 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, with a small surface Prominent, with stellate hairs on the veins and few peltate glands on the back. Flowers unisexual, monoecious; male and inflorescence solitary in leaf axils, 6 to 10 cm long, pendulous; female inflorescences terminal, ca. 15 cm, pendulous. The fruit is long and elliptic, about 6 mm long, with fruit wings 2 and fins oblong to oblong-lanceolate, slanting upwards, about 17 mm long. May flowering, July-September ripe fruit.

It is often cultivated on street trees and was born in low wetlands such as streams, riverbanks, etc. It has strong water resistance; it is widely distributed in the southwest and central provinces.

The wood is soft white and can be used as furniture and matchsticks. Leaves toxic, can kill insects, containing salicylic acid, lactones, phenolic ingredients; seeds contain fatty oils. The seeds are propagated, and the germination rate is higher when sowing. Can be used as walnut rootstock.


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