Muscovy duck hatching technology

The hatching has a great influence on poultry. To achieve a higher hatching rate, it is necessary to do a better job in the treatment of hatching eggs, the mastery of hatching techniques, and the responsibility of hatchers. The treatment of 1 egg should first maintain the cleanliness of the eggs. Dirty eggs must be picked out with a neutral disinfectant (liquid temperature at 35) to gently wash off dirt, taking care not to damage the surface of the egg. Eggs produced every day should be removed from damaged eggs or eggs and fumigated (40% formaldehyde, 10% potassium permanganate, 28 ml/m3 space, 40% formaldehyde, 14 g potassium permanganate). It is a good day for eggs to be hatched on that day. For storage, they must be stored in an environment with 15-18 relative humidity of 65%-75% and should not exceed 7 days, preferably 3-4 days. 2 Notes (1) The hatchery must be kept clean, the waste should be shipped out in time, and the site should be disinfected at least twice a week, after the egg is laid and after hatching. (2) Persons unrelated to hatching shall not enter the hatchery. Hatchers shall wear overalls rain boots, caps and hands when operating. (3) Incubation equipment should be regularly inspected and overhauled to ensure its normal operation.

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