High quality beef cattle breeding technology

1.Feeding characteristics and rations The feed type and nutritional composition of beef cattle are basically the same as those of cattle and cows. Feeding should pay attention to the following characteristics: (1) Feeding characteristics The intake of beef cattle is very rough, and swallowing without chewing, and rumination after eating. Most of the ingested whole granules sink to the bottom of the stomach and cannot be re-chewed, resulting in discharge of the material. Feeding large chunks of root and tuber feed is prone to esophageal obstruction and life-threatening; foreign matter engulfed by the tongue is not vomited. In particular, eating iron wire in forage, often cause traumatic gastritis, pericarditis. Therefore, the feed must be processed and removed to eliminate foreign matter. Beef cattle prefer to eat green feed, coarse material and juicy material, followed by high-quality green hay, and low-moisture silage again; the least favorite is straw-based roughage. For concentrates, cattle love to eat 1cm3 size pellets, but do not like to eat powder. Beef cattle love to eat fresh feed, should be added when feeding, "Qin Tim"; when the trough to clear the trough as soon as possible, left the grass dry and then feed. Beef cattle have no upper teeth and will not pass through the low pastures. Therefore, do not grazing when the height of weeds does not exceed 5 cm. The cattle have a strong competition for food, and when they feed on each other during group breeding, this feature can be used to increase feed intake. (2) Feeding time In the case of free feeding, the daily intake time is about 6-7 hours. If the edible forage grass is rough, such as long grass, straw, etc., the intake time is longer; if the feeding grass is soft and tender, such as short grass, fresh grass, the intake time is short. When the temperature is lower than 20°C on the same day, 68% of the intake time is during the day, and when the temperature is 27°C, only 37% of the intake time is during the day. According to this feature, it is possible to feed at night during the summer and in the winter. When the quality of the diet is poor, the feeding time should be extended. (3) There is a close relationship between feed intake and body weight. For example, when the aged beef aged 250 kg weighs 250 kg, the daily dry matter intake is 2.8% of its body weight; when it is 500 kg, it is 2.3% of its body weight. In a good-calorie cow, the feed intake per unit body weight is lower than that in a poorly plucked cow; healthy cattle intake is higher than that in a leaner cow. Cows cut short hay more than long grass. Eat less grass powder. If the grass powder is made into granules, the feed intake can be increased by nearly 50%. When nutrients in the diet are incomplete, the feed intake of the cow is reduced; the concentrate in the diet is increased, and the feed intake of the cow is also increased; but when the concentrate content accounts for more than 30% of the diet, the intake of dry matter is increased. The amount no longer increases; if the concentrate accounts for more than 70% of the diet, the feed intake decreases. When the fat content in the diet exceeds 6%, the digestibility of crude fiber in cattle decreases; when the fat content exceeds 12%, the appetite of cattle is suppressed. In addition, a quiet environment and prolonged intake of food can increase feed intake. If the pH is too low or too high, the feed intake of the cow will also be reduced. (4) Drinking water In normal circumstances, the moisture in the feed can not meet the needs of the bovine body and must be supplemented with drinking water, preferably with free drinking water. Drinking water can be supplied at a ratio of about 1:5 dry matter to water. Should drink warm water in winter, the water temperature is not lower than 30 °C, in order to promote feed intake and stomach digestion and absorption, to reduce the consumption of body heat is also good. (5) Feeding of urea Various non-protein nitrogenous substances used to feed beef cattle must be pure and free of harmful impurities to cattle. Ammonium nitrate and other nitrates are poisoned in the rumen and can be converted to nitrite, so they can never be used as non-protein nitrogenous supplements in cattle. The amount of urea-fed cattle should not exceed 1% of the dietary dry matter, or 20-30 grams per 100 kilograms of body weight. When feeding urea, it must take more than 10 days to increase from less than to more than the maximum limit. In practice, 0.75 kilograms of urea is generally used in combination with 5.52 kilograms of corn. The effect is approximately 6 kilograms of soybean cake. It is forbidden to feed urea into water to avoid poisoning. It is better to drink water after feeding for 1 hour. 2. Feeding methods Feeds fed must meet the feeding characteristics of beef cattle and be processed before feeding. If the material is not finely crushed, it will be difficult to digest and use it after being eaten by cattle, and the phenomenon of “overfeeding” will occur. However, if the fine material is too fine, the cow will not love it. Therefore, the difference should be based on the amount of concentrate in the diet. With less fine material, the material can be fed with coarse material and mixed materials; when the fine material is used for a long time, the powder material can be pressed into pellets, or steamed into mature pellets. The coarse material should be cut short and fed. Cows like to eat short grass, that is, "three-inch grass", can increase the intake of cattle, but also reduce waste. For fast fattening, when the concentrate exceeds 60%, the coarse material can be cut longer in order to obtain proper mechanical stimulation to the rumen. Weeds and the like can be fed directly without shortening them. Root, tuber and melon feed must be cut into small pieces before feeding. Never feed the whole, especially potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, eggplant, etc. to avoid esophageal obstruction. The rubbish residue, brewer's grain, powdered slag, etc., although the moisture content is large, the nutrients in the dry matter are similar to those in the concentrate. Feeding such feed can reduce the amount of concentrate feed. Husk grain, high-grain shell, etc., can only be used as roughage. Bad pomace is good in palatability, and cows love to eat, but it is necessary to avoid overeating and cause bovine food stagnation, sluggish activity of the stomach, and swelling. Taking a beef cattle of 400 kilograms as an example, the daily amount of vinasses is up to 40 kg, sugar residue is 60 kg, bean curd residue is 30 kg, and powder residue is 40 kg. 3. Formulation of diets (1) Principles of diet matching First, nutrients contained in diets must meet the nutritional requirements of cattle, and appropriate adjustments must be made according to different individuals. Second, the use of green roughage should be the main priority, and concentrates should only be used to supplement the energy and protein that are lacking in roughage. Third, the composition of diets should be diversified, making protein, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients comprehensive, in order to improve the palatability and conversion rate of the diet. Fourth, the nutrient concentration of the diet should be moderate, in addition to meeting the nutritional needs, it should also enable the beef cattle to eat without food, without having to eat too much due to the excessive weight. Fifth, plunging feed (such as corn silage, grass, succulent feed, soybeans, wheat bran, flaxseed cake, etc.) and constipation-prone grass hay, various crop stalks, withered grass, sorghum seed, and wolfberry , cottonseed cake, etc.) with each other. There should be no toxic or harmful substances in the feed. Sixth, the feed source is rich and the price is cheap. (2) Method of ration matching In order to satisfy the nutrient required by beef cattle, it is reasonable to determine the amount of each feed per cow per day and it must be done according to the existing conditions. Examples of specific preparation methods are as follows: Feeding a 150 kg bull for growing meat requires a daily weight gain of 0.75 kg, which is now matched with a more reasonable diet: First, identify the nutritional needs of the beef cattle, Table 2-1. Table 2-1 Beef Nutritional Requirements Body Weight (kg) Daily Weight Gain (g) Net Weight Gain (MJ) Crude Protein (g) Calcium (g) Phosphorus (g) 150 750 16.07 572 18 14 Due to Existing Corn Silage and Medium As for hay, it is necessary to make full use of roughage in conjunction with diets. It is initially planned to feed 18 kg of silage corn and 1.25 kg of medium hay to calculate its nutrients (see Table 2-2). Table 2-2 List of nutrients required for beef cattle Quantity (kg) Net weight gain (MJ) Crude protein (g) Calcium (g) Phosphorus (g) Corn silage Secondary hay subtotal Balanced condition 81.259.25 4.351.886.23-9.84 12093213-359 8.84.613.4-4.6 5.22. 37.5-6.5 As can be seen in Table 2-2, there are many shortages of protein and phosphorus, which should be supplemented by the selection of protein-rich concentrates (see Table 2-3). Table 2-3. (kg) Weight gain net energy (MJ) Crude protein (g) Calcium (g) Phosphorus (g) Bean cake corn urea (g) Bone meal (g) Subtotal Total 0.251.6550201.971.308.710010.01+0.17 1071421120361+20.791. 32068.11+3.51 1.243.5002.87.54+1.04 Through the balance, this beef-cow-combined diet basically meets the needs of nutrition and uses existing feed conditions to achieve Reasonable requirements formulated diets.

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