"AI clinician" learning the advent of the body can help humans improve the treatment of sepsis

"AI clinician" learning the advent of the body can help humans improve the treatment of sepsis

October 24, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily

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The British Journal of Nature and Medicine published an artificial intelligence and medical research online on the 23rd: British scientists reported a learning agent called AI Clinician. Through intensive learning, “AI Clinicians” can help human doctors improve real-time decision-making, improve the treatment of sepsis globally, and save thousands of lives every year.

Sepsis is a life-threatening disease in which the body's body reacts extremely to inflammatory infections, causing damage to tissues and organs. Sepsis is the third leading cause of death in the world and the leading cause of death in hospitals. The key to treating sepsis is the correct administration of injections and medications to help patients maintain blood pressure stability. However, current clinical practice has not yet reached the best standard.

In order to help improve clinical decision-making, the joint team of several scientists, including Imperial College Faculty Otto Faiza and Anthony Gordon, developed the “AI Clinician”. This is an artificial intelligence that learns the best treatments for sepsis by analyzing thousands of real treatment decisions made by doctors. "AI Clinicians" use the type of machine learning commonly used in economics and game theory - reinforcement learning, to extract useful information from patient data sets that go beyond the "lifetime" experience of human doctors.

The team found that, on average, “AI clinicians” were able to choose the best treatment for patients with sepsis more reliably than human doctors. In addition, in a large validation cohort that was independent of training data, patients with actual clinical prescription doses consistent with AI recommendations had the lowest mortality rates.

The study also needs to be evaluated using real-time data and decisions in clinical trials, and also in different medical settings. But the researchers point out that even a small drop in mortality from sepsis is equivalent to saving tens of thousands of lives every year on a global scale.

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