The efficacy and function of melon

Muskmelon is also known as squash or melon. Muskmelon is named after its sweetness. It is also known as Muskmelon due to its fragrance. Melon is a fruit of summer and summer heat, and its nutritional value is comparable to that of watermelon. According to the determination, in addition to water and protein content of melon less than watermelon, other nutrients are not less than watermelon, and aromatic substances, minerals, sugar and vitamin C content is significantly higher than that of watermelon. Eat more melon, is conducive to the human heart and liver and intestinal system activities, and promote endocrine and hematopoietic function. The motherland medicine has confirmed that melons have a significant effect of "relieving the heat, solving thirst, and urinating urination."

Nutritional value

Muskmelon has many health benefits and has a high nutritional value. It contains vitamins A, B, C and magnesium, sodium and potassium and other minerals. Because it contains no cholesterol, it is safe for patients with high cholesterol in the blood.

Melon tastes good and can be eaten as a dessert. It can be used as a substitute for high-calorie snacks to help you lose weight. Because it is rich in potassium, it can help control blood pressure and prevent stroke. Potassium in the fruit can reduce kidney stone problems.

Muskmelon is rich in plant fiber (a cup of Muskmelon contains 1.3 grams), so it can greatly relieve constipation. The nutritional value and health benefits of melon have been confirmed by doctors around the world. They believe that this fruit can prevent age-related bone loss.

Muskmelon is a good source of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. This helps prevent heart disease and even cancer. It also contains beta-carotene. The study reveals the fact that the combination of beta-carotene and vitamin C can prevent many chronic diseases.

Muskmelon also offers many other health benefits. Frequent consumption of cantaloupe juice can help treat loss of appetite, hyperacidity, ulcers and urinary tract infections. It can also defeat the fire to a great extent to prevent diseases related to internal heat (overhang). It relieves fatigue and is an effective light laxative that can help treat insomnia.

If you want to lose weight, this is a great fruit. Its large amount of fiber will make you feel full. It tastes good and can be used for salads. Therefore, a quick weight loss plan should include melons.

In addition, cantaloupe is also good for skin care. It contains vitamin A, which is good for maintaining healthy skin. The fruit provides a considerable amount of folic acid, which is particularly important for pregnant women. It helps the health of the fetus and can even prevent cervical cancer and osteoporosis. In addition, it contains folic acid can also be used as a mild antidepressant.

Melon has good health benefits.

(1) Qing heat. The thirst-quenching melon contains a lot of carbohydrates and citric acid, carotene and vitamin B; C, etc., and plenty of moisture, can relieve heat, heat and thirst, Chufan and so on.

(2) Helping kidney patients absorb nutrients Containing invertase in melons can convert insoluble proteins into soluble proteins that can help kidney patients absorb nutrients and benefit kidney patients.

(3) Protecting the cucurbitacin B contained in the liver melon pedicle can significantly increase experimental hepatic glycogen accumulation and reduce chronic liver injury, thereby preventing hepatocyte steatosis and inhibiting fibrogenesis.

(4) vomiting melon pedicle containing bitter toxin, cucurbitacin B, E and other crystalline bitterness, can stimulate the gastric mucosa, oral administration of appropriate amount, can cause vomiting, but not for the body to absorb, without prostration and poisoning and other drawbacks.

(5) Modern research on insecticides found that melon seeds have the effect of killing aphids and filarial bugs, and can be widely used to treat infestation diseases.

(6) Supplemental nutrition Muskmelon Cooked meat contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, inorganic salts, etc. It can supplement the body's needs of energy and nutrients to help the body recover. Therapeutic action taste: Melon sweet, cold, non-toxic; Guaty bitter, cold, toxic. Guigui: enter the stomach, lungs, large intestine. Efficacy: Melon clears heat and quenches thirst; Sweet melons detoxify and diuretic, Muskmelon induces vomiting of chest and other poisonous foods, or for external use. Indications: Melon cure summer heat polydipsia; fragrant melon seeds governance intestinal fistula, lung hernia; incense Guadui topical treatment of acute icteric infectious hepatitis, rhinitis, nasal fat.

Recipe reference:

1, cantaloupe washed, any food, can be hot weather.

2, 30 grams of melon seeds, plus amount of sugar, smashed fine research, with warm boiled water, rule intestinal fistula.

3, 15 grams of melon seeds, fried whole Angelica 30 grams, 3 grams of snakes, dried into powder, 10 grams per serving, three times a day, treatment of intestinal fistula (appendicitis).

4, candied melon leaves smashed the affected area, cure head lice.

5, guava frisk deposit, research into powder, can also be used with Asarum powder, take a little into the nose, three times a day, treatment of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis and nasal hernia.

6, dried melon and dried into powder, each time with 0.1 grams divided into three parts, first with a deep inhalation from the two nostrils, about 40 minutes, clean the nasal cavity and then suck one, and then every 40 minutes suction Finish the last one. After seven days, 0.1 g was absorbed by the same method and 0.4 g was taken as a course of treatment. The treatment of jaundice or non-jaundice type infectious hepatitis and cirrhosis. General chronic hepatitis can be used for two courses; if cirrhosis requires three to five courses. After inhalation, a large amount of yellow water flows out of the nasal cavity, up to 100 ml at a time. When inhaling, the patient's head must move forward so that the yellow water drips out and must not be swallowed to prevent diarrhea. Sometimes headaches, chills, fever, flu-like symptoms, or increased pain in the liver and spleen, these symptoms disappear naturally after one day.