How to eat cherries? How to eat cherries

Cherry is a kind of saying that has high nutritional value and efficacy. Cherry has good effect on spleen and stomach, and rheumatism, and many people like to eat sweet and sour cherry. Cherry is divided into sweet cherry and sour cherry. Sweet cherries are suitable for eating fresh, sour cherries are mostly used for baking pies, canned foods, jams, juices, etc. Masters often use dark red and sweet frozen cherries to make ice cream, add cherries to cakes, biscuits, and muffins, and also make cherries into meaty condiments.

Cherry wine


1, bubble soaked cherry color will be shallow This is normal! Or else they thought that wine changed from transparent to red, and where did the color come from? It is the color of the cherries that needs to be extracted and melted into the wine. This is the true meaning of the fruit wine!

2. Regarding wine, food brewed wine, transparent kind, can be. of course. . . You have to try hard to use beer or rice wine, it does not matter, welcome to tell everyone results haha! Degrees, recommend more than 35 degrees of wine, good preservation, not afraid of bad, seal light and dry place for a few years no problem. More than 10 degrees of wine, such as sake, are also available, suitable for students with poor drinking, but there is no guarantee that they will be preserved for a long time. If you use a wine with a low degree, it is recommended that you wait until the wine starts to change color.

Ingredients Cherry 1 kg Liquor 1 kg Lemon half 50 grams of crystal sugar


The practice of cherry wine

1. Cherry handle, wash, be sure to dry

2. Lemon peeled and sliced

3. Put cherries, lemons and crystal sugar in sealed cans and pour white wine

4. Store in a cool place, shake frequently during storage to make the taste even

5. After two months of reopening and drinking, the flavor is better


1. The surface of all materials must not have water droplets and should be wiped dry.

2· As long as it is a wine made with grain, the degree of alcohol is greater than 35 degrees and it is colorless.

3 • Lemon is to be peeled, tear off the white part as much as possible, otherwise it will be bitter.

4) After the wine begins to turn pink, you can start drinking, but after 2 months of storage, the flavor will be better.

5. Rock sugar can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

Cherry jam

Ingredients Fresh cherry 600 g maltose 150 g rock sugar 60 g granulated sugar 60 g lemon 1


1. Wash the cherry, soak it in light salt water for about 1 hour, rinse it and drain it.

2. Use a knife to cut from the middle of the cherries along the nucleus and then open it so that the core can be easily removed.

3. Spread the white sugar in the material evenly and cover it with a plastic wrap for about 2 hours.

4. Tear the cling film, and at this point you will see the cherries become soft and ooze out of water

5. Put the marinated cherries into the stainless steel pot together with the oozing water, add the sugar in the material, and cook slowly with low heat.

6. When you see a lot of water, add the maltose part of the material and continue cooking.

7. Use a wooden spoon to gently agitate during the process. When the water in the pan is significantly reduced, squeeze in a lemon juice and continue stirring to cook.

8. Turn off the heat until the juice becomes very thick and sticky.

9. Remove the pot and wait a few minutes. Then, when the jam is still hot, put it in a glass-enclosed bottle that has been sterilized with boiling water and allowed to dry. Close the lid, let cool at room temperature, and store it in the refrigerator.