Microecological agents: green culture messengers

For more than half a century, antibiotics have played an extremely important role in the aspects of human and animal health, disease prevention, and promotion of human social progress and development. However, with the widespread application and abuse of antibiotics as feed additives, veterinary drugs in animal husbandry production and veterinary clinics, various drawbacks have gradually emerged and become more and more obvious. For example, some feed manufacturers from the opening of the chicks to the broiler slaughter, laying hens in the whole process, the feed is doubled with antibacterial growth-promoting drugs; as veterinary clinical abuse of antibiotics is more common. This not only kills the beneficial bacteria inherent in the digestive tract and causes the drug resistance of pathogenic bacteria, destroys the inherent microecological balance, and drug residues pose an increasingly serious threat to the health of humans, the consumer of livestock products. This is the reason why certain drugs are added to the feed in a long-term manner, that is, they are abused. This leads to drug residues in livestock products. People who eat these livestock products can lead to a significant reduction in the efficacy of these drugs when people are sick. Therefore, many countries have legally restricted the use of antibiotics as feed additives. For example, at the end of 1998, the European Union banned four antibiotics in feeds. Among them, bacitracin zinc and large-scale fertilizers are still used in China; Growth stimulants end in good health; the World Health Organization requires restrictions on the use of antimicrobials for livestock. Therefore, scholars at home and abroad are paying attention to and looking for alternatives to antibiotics that can overcome these drawbacks. However, the development and application of microecological preparations are new preparations that are currently considered ideal and promising. Concepts and types In simple terms, animal microecological preparations are produced by artificial screening of beneficial bacteria in animals, and then produced through bio-engineered factory production, and are specifically used for animal nutrition and health care. There are many kinds of such products on the market today, such as Gatobacillus EM, CM probiotics, modified probiotics, enzymes, fungicides, bacteriocins, etc., all of which are similar products of probiotics. In terms of beneficial bacteria within the United States, the United States has issued 40 kinds of safe and effective beneficial bacteria. The beneficial bacteria allowed by the Ministry of Agriculture of China are Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus paracasei, Streptococcus lactis, Bacillus subtilis, Natto There are 12 species such as Bacillus, Brewer's yeast, and Rhodopseudomonas palustris. According to the composition of live bacteria, there are a single bacterial preparation and a composite bacterial preparation. Most of the commercially available complex bacteria preparations, but the types of bacteria and the number of them vary. Mechanism of action Microecological agents are nutritive and health-type feed additives. The functions of the nutrient and health care are mainly in the following aspects. 1. Predominant flora and microecological balance Under normal circumstances, a large number of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of animals exist as a unified whole, and they are interdependent, mutually restrictive, and have complementary advantages. They also play a physiological role in digestion and nutrition. It can also inhibit the invading and breeding of harmful bacteria such as pathogenic bacteria, thereby exerting its health-care effect of preventing infection. When animals are subjected to stress, such as feed replacement, weaning, transportation, disease, and long-term large-scale use of antibiotics, they will cause the destruction of these beneficial microflora in the digestive tract and become pathological. When the micro-ecological agent enters the digestive tract with feed and drinking water, it settles and reproduces within it and establishes a beneficial dominant flora, thereby restoring the damaged micro-ecological environment. 2. Nutritional assisted digestion Probiotics such as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus natto, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, and yeasts produce proteases, amylases, lipases, cellulolytic enzymes, pectinase, and phytase. Etc., together with the intrinsic enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract to promote the digestion and absorption of feed and improve its utilization; synthesis of vitamin B family, vitamin K, carotenoids, amino acids, biologically active substances, coenzyme Q and some unknown factors involved in substance metabolism To promote animal growth. Lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacterium produce lactic acid, which lowers the pH of the intestine and promotes the absorption of trace elements such as vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. This not only plays a very good role in nutrition, but also it is extremely important to prevent the occurrence of nutritional metabolic diseases such as minerals, vitamins, and protein metabolism disorders, and to increase the yield and quality of livestock products. 3. Health benefits Probiotics colonize and colonize a large number of intestinal mucosae, leaving pathogens and harmful bacteria free of a foothold. At the same time, lactic acid produced by lactic acid bacteria, streptococci, acidophilic bacteria produced by Bacillus, and antiviral substances produced by photosynthetic bacteria all have inhibitory effects on pathogenic microorganisms. In other words, these beneficial bacteria and their metabolites not only make it difficult for pathogens to gain foothold in the digestive tract, but even if they stand on their feet, it is difficult to reproduce them, thus playing a health-care role in preventing infection. Practice has proved that the micro-ecological preparations have a good preventive effect against infections of various pathogenic microorganisms such as E. coli and Salmonella. 4. Enhance the immunity Lactobacillus stimulates certain local immunoreactions of the intestine with certain immunoregulatory factors to increase the body's antibody level or macrophage activity and enhance its immunity; Bacillus can promote intestinal related lymphoid tissues, so that The highly responsive "preparation state" can, at the same time, accelerate the development of young animals' immune organs and promote their early and early maturation as soon as possible. The number of T and B lymphocytes increases and the level of humoral immunity and cellular immunity of animals increases, thereby enhancing the body. Immunity and disease resistance. 5. Reduce the odor of intestinal harmful products and stench odors mainly from ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, hydrazine, cadaverine, putrescine, histamine, phenol and other harmful substances. These are caused by the decomposition of the protein by E. coli. Beneficial bacteria can increase the rate of digestion and absorption of proteins, and use non-protein nitrogen in the intestine to synthesize amino acids and proteins for animal use. At the same time, it inhibits the spoilage of harmful bacteria such as E. coli and reduces harmful substances such as odors. Bacillus and other beneficial bacteria can produce enzymes that decompose hydrogen sulfide, reducing the harmful gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the faeces. The deodorizing effect caused by the concentration reduces the concentration of ammonia by more than 70%, thereby protecting the breeding environment, reducing the incidence of respiratory tract and eye diseases, and is very beneficial to human health and livestock product hygiene. At the same time, the microecological preparations also have certain degradation and detoxification effects on certain toxins and anti-nutritional factors in the feed. The total production of green meat and eggs in China has ranked first in the world, but its export volume accounts for only about 1% of the total output. The reason why this is so is that the quality of the product is poor, the processing technology is backward, and there is a lack of competitiveness in the international market; the product has a low hygienic qualification rate and high drug residues. Due to the poor sanitary conditions of the feed ingredients and their processing, feeding and management, housing environment, disease prevention and slaughtering, livestock products are contaminated, the total number of bacteria (including E. coli) exceeds standards, and there are even other pathogens, thus making the products Hygiene standards have a low pass rate. Excessive drug residues, not only veterinary drugs, but also pesticides, heavy metals and legally prohibited beta-stimulants. For example, if the broiler chickens exported to Japan exceed the national standard, the honey exported to Germany will be returned due to the “insect bugs” exceeding the standards. The pigs transported from the mainland to Hong Kong have detected beta-stimulants. China's export of animal products is also eligible for abolishment of export qualifications such as hypnones, estrogens, and antibiotics. The EU countries have imposed restrictions on the trade of livestock products in China. Drug residues are one of the major problems. To change this situation, it is necessary to develop “green culture”, which includes feed, feeding and management, disease prevention, slaughtering, processing and environmental sanitation in all aspects. However, from the current status of China's aquaculture industry, feed and its feeding and management problems are the most, and we must start with this. "Green", the source of life, is also a symbol of life. The so-called "green feed" means that all feeds and additives eaten by animals must meet hygienic standards, have good palatability, utilization rate, and can improve the yield and quality of livestock products; inhibit gastrointestinal harmful infections Enhance the body's resistance to disease and immunity; no matter how long the use will not produce toxic side effects and harmful substances in the livestock product residues; beneficial to the health of consumer products of livestock products; no pollution to the environment. In this microecological preparation has its unique role. Experimental studies have shown that the addition of CM series products to feeds can increase the survival rate of livestock and poultry and increase the feed remuneration, so that economic benefits can be improved. After adding CM products to feed for two or three days, the most noticeable sensation is that the odors in the livestock and poultry pens are significantly reduced, and there is basically no odor after one week of use, and there are few mosquitoes and flies, and the excrement returns to normal. Even in the hot summer is no exception. Prospects In terms of microecology, its preparations can be used not only for nutrition and health care of livestock and poultry, but also for human nutrition and health care, food, chemicals, crops, gardens, vegetables, plant protection, soil fertilizer, environmental protection... ... Although China's application and research on animal microecological preparations started later than some developed countries, it has a higher starting point. In only a few short years, the development and application of microecological agents have played a positive role in promoting the development of animal husbandry in China and have great potential. It not only has the role of nutrition and health care, but also avoids the residues of veterinary drugs such as antibacterial drugs in animals. It is also a kind of green environmental protection product. Livestock and poultry that use micro-ecological agents not only have fast growth, low disease, and high feed remuneration, but also have good animal and poultry product quality. It is not difficult to see that animal micro-ecological preparations are green or safe feed additives for livestock and poultry, and animals that use micro-ecological agents can produce green livestock products for humans. If industries such as agriculture, fruits and vegetables, food, and environmental protection, which are closely related to the food chain (biological chain), can replace toxic side effects and residual drugs and additives with their corresponding microecological agents, what a beautiful prospect it should be? . However, there are still some problems in China's animal micro-ecological preparations. For example, there are few varieties and many types of livestock and poultry; live bacteria preparations are not resistant to high temperatures; they are also limited in the processing of pelleted feeds; and the mechanism of action of microecological agents is different. The composition and use of beneficial bacteria in livestock and poultry breeds and in different physiological stages are subject to further research, development, improvement, and improvement, and research efforts in this area must be strengthened. The state should strengthen its work in this area in terms of laws and management. It must not only formulate standards, but must also strictly examine and approve procedures, so that green eco-products really become what people have predicted: after the era of brilliant antibiotics, it will be A new micro-ecological era.

Split chicken is sold in block form, which makes it easier for the public to buy, and also increases sales. Consumers can choose their own tastes according to their preferences.

Chicken protein content is high, and the digestibility is high, it is easy to be absorbed by the human body to take advantage of, have enhanced physical strength, strong body function. Chicken contain to human body development have important phospholipid class, is Chinese dietary structure is one of the most important sources of fats and phospholipids in chicken to malnutrition, chills, afraid of cold, fatigue, menoxenia, anemia, fatigue weakness, have a good diet. According to the Chinese medicine, chicken has the effect of nourishing qi, nourishing the spleen, nourishing the stomach and living blood.

Chicken meat is tender, tasty, and because of its lighter flavor, it can be used in various cuisines. Chicken is not only good for hot stir-fry, stewed soup, but also for cold and cold meat. Chicken has a lot of protein, and in meat, one of the highest protein meat, is a high-protein, low-fat diet.

Chicken sexual flat, warm, taste gan, in the spleen, stomach classics; It can be used to improve the quality of the marrow. It is used for the treatment of weak and weak, low deficiency, dizziness and palpitation, irregular menstruation, lack of milk, thirst, edema, urinary frequency, deafness and tinnitus. Often eating chicken stir-fried flowers can enhance the liver's detoxification function, improve immunity, and prevent colds and scurvy.

Split Chicken Series

Split Chicken Series,Chicken Drumsticks,Chicken Gizzard,Chicken Wings

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