Mulberry's beauty effect

Mulberry, also known as Mulberry. Sweet, sour, cold, into the heart, liver, kidney, there is nourishing Yin and blood, laxative effect. It is purple and black, sweet and sour, rich in vitamins, amino acids, carotene and other ingredients. Eat mulberry can improve human immunity, have the effect of delaying aging, beauty and beauty. As early as 2000 years ago, Mulberry had recorded. Now, Mulberry is still the beauty choice for beauty lovers.

Whitening skin: Mulberry tea

Delicious ingredients: mulberry fruit, 1 cup of hot or cold boiled water, and some ice cubes.

Simple approach: Put the appropriate amount of mulberry into the cup, cold weather, hot water brewed into tea; hot weather, you can directly into the cold water, or even add ice cubes with taste, stir evenly become a cup of delicious mulberry fruit tea.

Care tips: This tea can thirst, with liver protection, eyesight, skin whitening effect.

Black hair: Mulberry porridge

Delicious ingredients: 30 grams of mulberry fruit, 50 grams of fragrant blood and glutinous rice, and a certain amount of crystal sugar.

Simple practice: Add 400 to 500 milliliters of water in the casserole, remove the fresh purple mulberry from the long handle, add fragrant blood and rice, rock sugar, and slowly simmer until the porridge becomes thick. Daily morning fasting warm clothes, insist on taking no less than 3 months.

Care Tips: This porridge has liver and kidney, nourishing yin and blood, Runchang eyesight, black hair effect.

Charming face: Mulberry soup

Delicious ingredients: mulberry and moderate mulberry juice, one egg

Simple practice: Heat the pan, add a bowl of water, take 8 mulberries and mulberry juice into the pan, let the water boil, enter the eggs, stir it directly with chopsticks, cook and eat, sweetness can taste Increase the amount of mulberry juice regulation.

Care tips: blood, liver, eyesight, can delay aging, beauty and beauty.

Outstanding girl snacks: Mulberry dumplings

Eating badly, sleeping badly, and looking bad, it looks slouchy. How can you be an "excellent" girl? Take a bowl of mulberry glutinous rice dumplings and eat them at night before falling asleep. It is delicious and helps sleep.

The glutinous rice flour into a small dough, and the smaller the better, into the pot, add cooked, soup, soup with water into the bowl, transferred to the mulberry grain and mulberry juice can be.


There are two types of mulberry, black and white, fresh purple and black for the benefit of the top grade, can not eat immature, Spleen Decoction are also not suitable to eat mulberry, and diabetes should not eat.