The efficacy and effect of mulberry wine

Mulberry wine is a new type of fruit wine, it is the best among the fruit wine, with nourishing, self-cultivation and blood. After drinking, it can not only improve the cold problems of women's hands and feet, but also has the functions of strengthening blood, strengthening body, benefiting liver, nourishing kidney, and improving eyesight. Drink better sooner or later. Mulberry wine can make you taste good, drink health, and drink a charming and rich.

Mulberry wine effect:

1. The fatty acids in mulberry wine have functions of decomposing fat, lowering blood fat and preventing vascular sclerosis;

2. Mulberry wine contains fuzz, which can make hair become black and glossy;

3. Mulberry wine can improve the blood supply of the skin (including the scalp), nourish the skin, make the skin white and tender and UFA, and can delay aging;

4. Mulberry wine has immune promotion effect, can prevent cancer and fight cancer;

5. The main mulberry wine into the liver and kidney, good nourishing yin, Sheng Jin Runzao, suitable for liver and kidney yin deficiency and lack of Tianjin Diabetes, intestinal dry embolism;

6. Often drinking mulberry wine can make eyesight clear the symptoms of dry eye fatigue.

Mulberry wine is suitable for people:

1. Ancillary treatment for anemia or arthritis, rheumatic pain, nerve pain, bone pain;

2. For the treatment of intestinal dry constipation, dry stool, yin deficiency, edema, adverse urination;

3. Used to nourish the heart, liver, kidneys, blood diseases caused by dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, irritability, insomnia, Yaoxisuanruan;

4. Can be treated as early as white hair, heat eyesight;

5. Can treat women with amenorrhea and irregular menstruation;

6. Appropriate for the frail elderly, patients with deficiency of blood and blood, such as dry mouth, cough and sweating, body heat and lipburn, sputum sticky yellow, hoarseness and so on;

7. Applicable to diabetes, lung and stomach dry heat, can only stop phlegm, phlegm, clear stomach fire, scattered wind and heat;

8. For lowering blood pressure, blood sugar, improve blood vessel hardening;

9. Mulberry wine has anti-cancer, anti-cancer, immunity enhancement, and promote cell growth and increase gastric motility.

Mulberry wine production method:

1. Process flow:

Raw material → Acceptance → Crushing → Into the tank → Ingredient → Main fermentation → Separation → After drunk → First inversion (pool) → Sealing aging 2-3 months → Second inversion cylinder (pool) → Full cylinder (pool Sealing aging 4-6 months → third inversion (pool) → clarification → filtration → deployment → storage 1-3 months → filtration → bottling → finished products.

2. Operation points:

Acceptance of raw materials: red, purple, purple or white, and no deterioration is qualified mulberry fruit. Cyan and green fruits are immature and have low sugar content and are not purchased. Remove foreign materials that are not contained in plastic containers, bags, or stainless steel containers. Do not use iron products.

Crushing: Use crusher and wood product tools to break the bag as much as possible. The residue juice is put into the cylinder (pool) for fermentation. Ingredients: According to 100 kilograms of raw materials, add 150-200 kilograms of water, 40-50 kilograms of white sugar, and 20-25 milligrams of kilograms of potassium sulfite (K2S2O5). Stir well. Add 3%-5% of vigorous yeast juice.

Main fermentation: After the raw materials are put into the cylinder (pool), stir it with stirring or shaking equipment, and the temperature is controlled at 22-28°C. After a few hours, the fermentation will start, stirring or turning twice a day, and the fermentation time will be controlled for 3 days. Separation of the skin dregs immediately after the end of fermentation.

Separation: use gauze, clay cloth or other stainless steel equipment to separate the skin dregs from the fermentation broth, squeeze the skin dregs, and combine the juice and the fermentation broth together for post-fermentation. The post-fermentation time is controlled within one week and the residual sugar content is completed. The end point is below 0.2%.

Inverted cylinder (pool): After the end of fermentation, three cylinders (pools) are inverted, the upper liquor is transferred to the disinfected tank (pool), and the lower sedimentary distillation recovers the wine. After each cylinder was inverted, samples were taken to determine the alcohol content and deodorised alcohol was added to 17°18°.

Clarification treatment: Cold, hot or sizing treatment. The amount of sizing is determined by tests. Distribution: According to the quality requirements of finished products, the amount of various raw materials added according to the level of wine. After storage 1-3 months after deployment, the filter bottling factory.

3. Quality standards:

(1) Sensory indicators.

Appearance: First grade, reddish-brown, clear, shiny, without suspended solids and precipitate. Secondary, reddish-brown, clear, no suspended solids, and precipitated.

Aroma: A level, with the unique scented fruity sensation and aroma of wine, harmonious and pleasing. Grade II, with good mulberry fruit and wine notes.

Taste: First, there is a unique freshness of mulberry wine, mellow, refreshing, long aftertaste. Grade 2, sweet and sour moderate, alcohol and refreshing.

(2) physical and chemical indicators.

Alcohol content (20°C, %): 10.0-16.0. Total sugar (converted sugar): 12-20 g/100 ml. Total acid (as citric acid): 0.3-0.60 g/100 ml. Volatile acid (according to acetic acid): First grade, ≤ 0.07 g/ml; second grade, ≤ 0.09 g/ml.

The ancient medical book records the effectiveness of mulberry: "Materia Medica," said: "Long-serving is not hunger, the soul of the soul of the soul, it is smart and white is not old," "Ben Cao Jing Shu": "Gan and cold in addition to heat, which is cooling blood Blood, Yiyang's medicine is no doubt." In the modern health regimen books, they also found the shadow of Mulberry, “Pharmacology and Application of Anti-cancer Medicines”: “Mulberry carotenoids can prevent cell mutations caused by carcinogens and cause lysosomal breakdown in cells to release hydrolases. , This enzyme can lyse cancerous cells." It can be seen that the efficacy of mulberry is not groundless, and it has always been supported by science since ancient times.