Mulberry cream eating and health effects

About Mulberry Cream:

Mulberry honey paste has been used as a tribute to the palace courts. Of course this is because the mulberry honey paste has its unique function. The most useful and direct effect of our mulberry honey paste on health-promoting health effects is: kidney-busting, Ufa detoxification, soothe the nerves, tonic, immune regulation, and anti-cancer and radiation protection.

【Sexual taste and classics】 Sweet, sour, cold. Return to the heart, liver and kidney.

【Functions and Indications】 Nourishing Yin, Nourishing Kidney, Stimulating Runzao. For dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, insomnia, premature hair, Tianjin, thirst, internal heat, diabetes, blood deficiency constipation.

【Usage and Dosage】 9~15g.

【Mulberry Chemical Composition】Mulberry contains glucose, fructose, tannin, malic acid, rutin, anthocyanin, carotene, niacin, linoleic acid, vitamin B, vitamin C, mucilage, cyanidin, calcium Quality and so on.

【Nutrient Effect】Mulberry can improve the blood supply of the skin (including the scalp), nourish the skin, make the skin tender and white, and delay the aging process. Mulberry is a good health and anti-aging beauty and medicine for the elderly. Regular consumption of mulberry can improve eyesight and relieve symptoms of dry eyes. Mulberry has an immune promoting effect. Mulberry has a weight-increasing effect on the spleen, and has a potentiating effect on hemolytic reactions. It can prevent arteriosclerosis, bone and joint hardening, and promote metabolism. It can promote the growth of red blood cells, prevent leukopenia, and has ancillary effects on anemia, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, neurasthenia and other diseases. Mulberry has thirst, promote digestion, help defecation and other effects, moderate consumption can promote gastric secretion, stimulate peristalsis and relieve hot. The motherland medicine believes that the mulberry is sweet and cold, and has the functions of nourishing the liver and kidney, stimulating the intestine, and removing blackheads.

There are five main functions of mulberry honey cream for modern people:

1: Mulberry honey cream can treat constipation.

2: Treatment of neurasthenia: Let's take a look at how Zhongjing Health Square in CCTV talks:

Insomnia is one of the most important symptoms of neurasthenia. According to Chinese medicine, although the symptoms of neurasthenia are related to many organs, it is basically related to kidneys. Because the kidney is the marrow of the main bone, the marrow has a close relationship with the brain. Therefore, Chinese medicine likes to use it. The method of tonifying the kidneys is to treat neurasthenia, but because of the long course of treatment, we are generally more inclined to treat some kidney-fed therapeutic diets and the effect may be better.

3: Mulberry honey cream has nourishing blood and kidney, UFA. Has always been a recipe for kidney and hair

4: Mulberry honey cream has anti-cancer and anti-radiation effects, and is also particularly suitable for friends who often use computers.

Mulberry has a variety of active ingredients, which can regulate the immune function of the body, promote the growth of hematopoietic cells, reduce blood sugar, lower blood lipids, lower blood pressure, protect the liver, and resist AIDS. It has been widely used in clinical practice, especially for middle-aged and aging diseases and anti-aging. There's important meaning.

Experiments on anti-aging of mulberry juice showed that aging of the body is closely related to lipid peroxidation caused by oxygen free radicals. Mulberry juice can effectively eliminate free radicals and anti-lipid peroxidation, which may be related to mulberry juice rich in natural antioxidants VC, β-carotene, selenium, flavonoids and so on. Mulberry juice can play an anti-oxidation, anti-aging and moisturizing effects by improving immune function.

Modern medicine has begun to study and focus on the six kinds of preventive health care functions of mulberry, including anti-cancer and anti-mutagenicity, enhancing immunity, protecting the kidney and liver, anti-aging anti-aging, promoting hematopoietic cell growth, and lowering blood glucose and lipids.

5. In particular, mulberry contains a substance called resveratrol (RES) that stimulates certain genes in the body to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevents the formation of embolism in blood cells. In addition, it is worth noting that the mulberry paste can only be made of clay pots and can not use iron, otherwise the heavy metal has a great destructive effect on the nutrients

Contraindications: Mulberry is very cold, so the spleen and stomach are deficient, and loose stools are sparse. Diabetic patients should not